How To Have A Renewal Of Your Mind

Your mind is more powerful than you know. Your life situation also has an impact on how you perceive things in life as well.

You have the ability to use your mind to your advantage in order to achieve your goals. 

In this blog post, I will go over personal things as well as practical steps that you can do in order to have a renewal of your mind in order to improve your life.

Half Glass Full

Change Your Perspective

How you see things in life are so important and can help you to see things from a Godly perspective. This is also a form of personal development which is also very helpful in order to personally help deal with everyday issues etc.

How you may perceive life also has an impact of the results of your life and can determine if you have high or low self esteem, how you make decisions in life, how you attempt to achieve your goals, how you treat other people, and so much more. 

Your perception on life can play a major role on who you may become. So how do your perceive yourself? Do you see yourself achieving your future goals? Do you see yourself as a failure? Do you seek The Kingdom of God from within when it comes to making major decisions?

These are important questions to consider when it comes to renewing your mind as part of personal development.

If you are looking to improve areas in your life, then first and foremost, it is recommended to seek The Kingdom of God and then you can also use practical tools on a daily basis to help renew your mind as well.

The Kingdom of God

The first step is to make sure that your mind is connected to all things positive in God’s eyes which is the connection to the Kingdom of God.

If you make it your priority to focus your mind on the The Kingdom of God, then all things will be added unto you according to: Matthew 6:33.

The Kingdom of God lies inside of you, so having a renewal of your mind is so important in order to tap into it. 

Inside the mind lies a powerful resource that provides us the tools that we need to develop new skills. Within our mind, we have the ability to create our own reality. 

Our current reality is a sum total of our thoughts that we primarily focus on. So if you are in a current situation that you want to change, you have to renew your mind and change your perception of the situation. 

You have the ability to change your reality and God has given you everything you need in order to have healing, abundance, and happiness etc. in your life.

In order to tap into it, you have to be intentional and seek the knowledge that is always available to you. When you make it a focus to seek the truth, you will always find it. 

Kingdom of God From Within

John 8:31-32

The Truth Will Set You Free

31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Sometimes people get caught up in thinking that miracles are a grand event. For example, some people may perceive that in order to have healing, you have to physically witness clouds come over your head with light with angels and harps and a divine moment have to take place like on the movies.

Instead of expecting some movie event to happen for your healing to occur, sometimes miracles can come in the simple things with practical actions that we can do such as starting with the renewal of your mind.

When you can see yourself getting healed in your mind’s eye, that’s miraculous! When you believe you can be healed, that’s miraculous! That means you are just one step closer to that physical reality.

You may be asking, if it is so simple, why is it hard for people to grasp this simple concept?

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It really comes down to your mindset. If you cannot see it for yourself, then you may lack faith in God and what he already has for you.

Your focus may be on all of the wrong things. You may get caught up with worldly concepts of what the world is doing. It is important to always remember that we are in this world but not of this world.

If you are focusing on what you do not want, that is also detrimental towards your goals.

You have to fix your mind on what you do want. This can take time and can be an ongoing daily battle. This is why a renewal of your mind is required.

Having a renewal of your mind is like putting on the armor of God. You use your tools to combat anything that the enemy uses that may come your way.

Check out this book below called The Battlefield of The Mind. I highly recommend it, the enemy will use negative thoughts constantly to take away your confidence, put fear in you which is especially dangerous, and so much more to keep you off the right path towards what God has destined for you.

This book helps you to understand the concept of the battlefield that is in your mind and how to stand strong and use God’s words to combat it.

What Tools Can You Use To Help Renew Your Mind?

Because we have to stay equipped with protecting our mind from negativity, below are a few techniques or tools that you can use to help stop the enemies devices etc.

Using affirmations and visualization techniques are powerful tools that you can use in addition to God’s word and prayer to help you achieve your goals and so much more.

If you fix your mind towards The Kingdom of God ultimately, you will find answers you may have been seeking as well as your God given purpose in life etc.

Use Your Right Side of Your Brain To Your Advantage

The right side of your brain is the part of your brain where you are connected to Source within you. When you are using your right side of your  brain to your advantage, you are tapping into your creative faculties. 

When you are using visualization techniques where you are seeing yourself achieving your goal and being in a better situation etc., this is your connection to God where all of your answers to your prayers lie and so much more. Some people may refer to this as the vortex or a place where you can activate your faith and unseen things and promises from God etc. 

There are many methods that you can use to get to this quantum field of reality such as prayer, meditation, affirmations, visualization, being in a state of gratitude and positivity, journaling, and so much more.

The key is when you are using these tools, make sure you are using with the right side of your brain or the creative side of your brain being in activation.


In prayer, have gratitude of already having and seeing what it is you want. When you are praying, you have to see yourself with the answered prayer. In the present moment, feel what you would feel like to have your answered prayer now despite your current circumstances. The idea is to ultimately be in a state of expectation of your prayer being answered.



Using affirmations is a way to train your subconscious mind with positive statements in relation to what you want. It could be scriptures, mantras or positive statements that you can state towards your goals, and so much more. For more information on affirmations, click here.


In addition to prayer and stating affirmations on a daily basis, it is also great to use the visualization process simultaneously where you are able to see yourself already achieved the goal that you are praying for.



Meditation is also a great way to focus on the things that you want as well. You can also use a self guided meditation. 

Meditation is designed to allow you a time to clear your mind from all of the possibly negative thoughts you may focus on throughout the day and allows you to stop and have a clear mind or a focus on what you do want.

Ultimately, after applying these techniques, have gratitude as if you already have what you want that you were focusing on during your meditation.

Goal Setting

Set Your Goals

Once you can get to the point of seeing yourself having the things that God has purposed for you to have, start creating a road map to get there.

If you are interested in creating a strategic plan to set your goals, you can schedule a one on one coaching session by clicking below.

Keep in mind, this is not about using God as a genie to grant your wishes. This should be more about developing a personal relationship with God by seeking The Kingdom of God from within.

If you are seeking to develop a strong relationship with God, consider scheduling a coaching session.

Want to learn more about how to achieve your goals with affirmations as a tool? Check out my latest course below.