Posts, Toxic People

Understanding Toxic People

In this blog post, learn how to deal with toxic people. #toxic #toxicpeople

When it comes to toxic people, it can be disheartening and frustrating. If you are a victim of a toxic person and you have not developed the strength to overcome them, it can possibly leave you feeling low and possibly with low self-esteem.

The first thing is to realize that some people may not know what they do. Some people may be toxic due to their unfortunate circumstances.

For example, a toxic person may have been born into the wrong family and may have been abused, disrespected, not loved and nourished, etc.

These are people that simply need help and were simply born into the wrong circumstances.

This is just one example but the point is not everyone is toxic because they chose to consciously be so keep this in mind.

Note: We may have all been victims of being toxic at some point in our lives due to being hurt. We may have lashed out at others who hurt or disrespected us etc. These situations may have caused arguments, & physical and verbal fights. We are all evolving human beings so especially if we have taken similar actions, who are we to judge others? This post is not about bashing others but is addressing people’s real-life situations. This is not about toxic moments but more about toxic lifestyles which is a big difference.

If you know someone that is acting out in toxic and rebellious ways, then try to have compassion for them. Pray for them. Try to help as much as you can. Understand that these are the people that need help without negative judgment.

As spiritual leaders, how we react matters a lot for people in this category, and our reactions can make or break these types of people. 

With that being said, the rest of this post is addressing the toxic ones who choose to be toxic but are not limited to understanding the reasons why people are toxic.

Note:  These examples are again not speaking about moments because we are all guilty at some points of our life of some of the examples I will mention.

For example, with having a negative outlook, due to fear, stress, concern, worry, and being cautious, etc. We may have all had moments of seeing something from a negative perspective out of fear. A perfect example of this type of person could be a mother or caregiver which is completely normal. This would not be an example of a toxic person, so keep that in mind. This is about pointing out a toxic person because their lifestyle is toxic. 

This is also not directed towards anyone that would fit into a category of low self-esteem for example as they also tend to see things from a negative outlook.

Negative Outlook – Toxic people generally tend to see the negative in everything and are known to be dream killers or Debbie downers all of the time.

Note: This can also be people who have low self-esteem and confidence issues which is a common trait as they tend to not believe in themselves as much as others. Even though some of these traits that I mentioned may be categorized with other types of personalities, this does not make this type of group or necessarily all groups automatically considered to be toxic. Knowing the difference is important.

From an energetic perspective, when a toxic person has a continuous negative outlook on life with nothing positive, it causes them to have a low vibration. Having a low vibration causes an imbalance in their energy field.

For example, if you are someone that operates on a higher vibrational level where you see the good in others constantly, you have a positive and hopeful spirit in most cases, you may tend to find yourself clashing with these toxic individuals.

From a scientific perspective, because toxic people do not operate with high vibrational energy, they may be attracted to you where they may tend to suck your energy from you and leave you feeling depleted. 

Does this sound familiar? So toxic people steal or suck away energy from others, yet they give little in return.

You may have found yourself feeling so tired, drained, and exhausted in a toxic person’s presence. You may also feel like you got hit with a tsunami or something and may think “What the hell just happened?” when you walk away from these types of people.

Traits of Toxic People

Master Manipulators– One major trait that toxic people tend to have is being a master manipulator. They literally may try to purposely manipulate you in order to get a reaction from you in order to siphon your energy. This is a strategic tool that they use on victims and they can potentially manipulate people to do what they want for them.

Note: These behaviors may be unconscious behavior that doesn’t validate these people of being bad people. It is the people who intentionally act this way that you need to really be aware of and you may not, unfortunately, know the difference. 

Self Centered – Have you ever been around a person that only talks about themselves? They never show any concern for what is going on with you etc.? You may only have a one-sided relationship with this type of personality.

Note: You may know someone who is self-centered and has these traits, but this does not automatically mean that they are to be labeled as a toxic person, etc.

Attention Seekers–What I call social media whores, socialites or social butterflies, need to be around others, constantly post on social media in order to seek validation and likes, etc.

Notes: Once again I want to point out that if you have these traits, this does not make you toxic. We all may be or have these traits so keep that in mind.

Overpower Others – This can also be a form of gaslighting. Because they tend to suck up other people’s energies, it is as if they have basically become their own generic powerhouse energetically.

Is Change Possible?

As mentioned at the beginning of this blog post, I pointed out that some people are unconsciously toxic due to uncontrollable and unfortunate circumstances. It may be difficult, but this behavior can be changed.

People who choose to be toxic and including people who are unconsciously toxic, all have the opportunity to change.

The first step is self-awareness. Once a person is aware that they are toxic and understands how it is affecting others around them, this would be considered the first step to change. 

Another way for a toxic person to come out of their toxic ways is if they go through a spiritual awakening. A spiritual awakening will open their eyes to the point of them really knowing themselves and having love for themselves and others. For signs on spiritual awakening, click here.

If you are someone that is a victim of a toxic person in your life and you cannot necessarily depart from them due to it being a boss or coworker, family member, or significant others, then it is best for you to change your energy from within.

A lot of times I learned when we attract negative and toxic people into our lives, we have to hold ourselves responsible for that.

Note: You may be thinking, what? It’s my fault? So the answer is that it is not your fault that they are who they are but you are responsible for who and what you attract into your life.

There is something in you that may be making them act this way in your presence based off of the vibration you may have held at the time.

For more information on how to deal with toxic people, click here.