Healing, Posts

The Benefits of Energy Healing

The Benefits of Energy Healing #energyhealing

Energy healing is an excellent way to heal yourself and others.

In this blog post, you will learn all about what energy healing is, when you should use it, and how to apply energy healing into your life.

Energy healing is a process or exercise that you can use to move indirect or subtle energy that affects the body, mind, and soul in a positive way consciously. 

This can include healing your auras, chakras, and meridians, etc. which are parts of you that are made out of energy vs. matter which is your physical body.

Acupuncture or reiki healing etc. are all great examples of energy healing techniques but this post is not focusing on these but the energy healing from within you.

The inner work includes the conscious movement of energy chi or prana to specific parts of your body or within your energy field.

Below are examples of when applying energy healing is considered to be effective:

  1. The physical body- a physical symptom such as headaches or diseases which is considered to be very common
  2. Energy issues- Depressed, low on energy, and exhaustion. This can re-energize the body and can make you quickly feel refreshed and revitalized.
  3. Heal old past experiences- Breakup from a relationship, grief from death of a loved one, past life issues etc. This can help heal old wounds.
  4. Heal energy field dysfunctions- nonphysical part of you unseen, auras, chakras, meridians etc. This can help heal blocked or too widely open chakras.
  5. Heal others and the planet- Can help others with their physical life situations with permission. For example, as a sick or traumatized person etc. Can also be used with animals and plants etc.

How To Use Energy Healing

The #1 rule to understand is that you do not draw energy from yourself (your body is physically limited) but channel energy through you from the source. 

Understand and know that you are considered to be a vessel where the energy comes down and through you which allows unlimited energy or chi.

  1. The first thing to do is to concentrate energy from your heart chakra. You can put your hand on your heart and call from above (God, Father, or source energy) and also visualize feminine God energy from root chakra to your heart chakra.

Repeatedly intend and feel it and you can say a mantra/prayer such as:

“I ask the Universe to support me for my call to healing energy lovingly to me now.”

-It is so

This process will leave your heart chakra feeling supercharged.

  1. Intensify and expand this energy by conscious awareness and conscious concentration on the heart chakra. Some people may see and feel the expansion of energy around you.
  2. Disperse and circulate the energy you can do this with your hands by hovering over another’s body due to the unique points and chakras. You are channeling your heart energy to your hands. You can also use your hands over blocked chakras.
  3. Conscious Awareness with the connection with your heart and can consciously send anywhere you want through your 3rd eye.
  4. Gratitude- Acknowledgement that it is not your own but God’s ability to send its loving energy through you as a conscious vessel.

Once you achieve conducting an energy healing session, you can lovingly state a gratitude prayer.

A gratitude prayer:

“I thank God for lovingly and unconditionally send love frequencies and vibrations to me. I pray that this loving frequency and vibration serve myself and those around me for our highest good.”
-It is so