Posts, Spirituality

Why You Do Not Fit In

Have you ever felt like you may not fit in with others including your own family? If so, learn the spiritual meaning why you may not fit in.

If you are reading this blog post, then you may be going through or have been through the ups and downs of not fitting in or maybe you know someone who goes or has gone through this.

The first thing to realize is that there may be a deeper and spiritual meaning behind why you do not fit in. 

For example, you may have felt like an outsider in your group of friends. You may have always been criticized, talked about a lot, or maybe even misunderstood. You may have suffered through persecution and a lot of people hating on you. 

You may have felt singled out and you may have joked around to yourself thinking that you may have possibly come from another planet or something. You may have never felt like you were even part of your own family at times, unfortunately.

Not fitting in can be hurtful at times but it is important to understand how to deal with this issue and how to overcome it.

If you felt like any of the things mentioned, the good news is that you are going through or have gone through this process for a reason. God allowed you to go through what you went through in order to prepare you for a seasonal time such as this. You were getting prepared to have tough skin so you can be prepared to serve your purpose and mission in this lifetime. 

Once you gain an understanding as to why you do not fit in, you may feel a lot better once you understand who you most likely are and why you went through the situations you have been through.

The first thing is to understand that if you fit this criterion for not fitting in, then you are most likely a lightworker or a chosen one.

Disclaimer: Not fitting in may not automatically equate to being a chosen one or lightworker, it could simply mean that you may not fit in due to being around the wrong people such as haters, bullies, or being a targeted individual where people made fun of you because you were different, etc. For example, if you grew up overweight, then people may have made fun of you because of that particular situation which may have caused you to not fit in. These are all examples of isolated events, situations, or circumstances as to why you do not fit in but does not necessarily mean that you are a chosen one or lightworker because of it but it can be. Keep in mind that most people may have all been through these types of experiences at some point in life.  This blog post will help you to determine if you are or not a lightworker. Keep in mind, that this post is also not directed towards those isolated situations nor does it not exclude a lightworker or chosen one’s experiences either because they may have also experienced these situations as well. In addition, this does not mean that because you did not fit in or had the same situations or circumstances as this article suggests, does not validate the fact that you are not chosen or a lightworker either. All lightworkers or chosen ones all have different experiences throughout their journeys, and this article is a reflection of the most common reasons why most lightworkers or chosen do not fit in. Use your discernment to be real with yourself to validate if this article resonates with you or not. Keep in mind again that this blog post is reflecting on more of the deeper and spiritual reasons as to why you may not fit in with others.

The first thing is to gain an understanding of what a lightworker or a chosen one is considered to be. A lightworker or a chosen one is someone who chose to come here on a mission to help raise consciousness in this world. As a lightworker, you hold certain energies or light codes within you as a tool to help to awaken others around you.

Your mission is to help elevate and to share your positive energy and light with the masses. If you want to learn more about being a lightworker click here.

Feeling like you don’t fit in may make you realize that you are more outside of the status quo than others. You may notice that most people are indoctrinated with old beliefs that they resonate with unconsciously and other things that you may not relate to anymore.

The biggest thing to understand about going through this process of not fitting in and feeling like there is no one around you that you can relate to your perspective in this world is to understand that God made you in a way that you were born to be outside of the box or the status quo.

In other words, you were not supposed to ever fit in. You specifically chose to fulfill your mission of moving others from the status quo of this world to something much greater. You are helping people break free from the status quo or my way of saying the matrix. Your goal and mission are to be an example by being yourself and shining your light and recognizing who you truly are.

With that being said, I hope you now understand that you chose to help people dismantle this matrix by showing them the truth or to wake them up. You are also called to teach people to no longer live their life believing lies from old belief systems etc. that we have all been programmed with.

With this understanding, I hope you feel better with looking at things from this perspective as to why you spiritually do not fit in at least with the status quo.

If this blog post resonates with you and you have truly analyzed your life situation and you understand that you chose here to be a lightworker. For more information on how to deal with not fitting in, click here.