Posts, Spirituality

Are You A Lightworker?

Do you have a strong calling from within to want to help humanity in a positive way? If so, you may be considered to be a lightworker.

What Is A Lightworker?

So you may be asking, what exactly is a lightworker and what are their ultimate missions? A basic explanation would be that a  lightworker is basically a soul that is here on earth with a mission to serve humanity on this planet.

As a lightworker, you may have felt a strong calling from within to want to serve others in one way or another.

Characteristics Of A Lightworker

Most lightworkers are very sensitive and some can be considered to be empaths which are extremely sensitive souls.

They tend to be very passionate and intuitive. The stronger the intuition, the stronger their heart center will be.

Most lightworkers may feel that they do not fit in with many others including their own family. They also feel misunderstood most of the time. They may also feel like they came from another planet or something.

They tend to have inner wisdom and guidance from within and tend to have a high level of discernment. Many may consider this type of soul to be an old soul etc.

People may tend to come to them about their problems or for advice etc. as they tend to be good listeners and very empathetic etc.

Most lightworkers may be considered to see deep meanings in everything including songs and movies etc.

They tend to be able to not be afraid to go within to do the shadow work and go through the self-realization process etc. They may also intuitively understand that the shadow work is worth the path to awakening etc.

They also tend to have a high level of energy within them that enables them to have the ability to manifest positive circumstances in their life and create their own reality.

They also tend to try to learn any lessons from the past and to find the positive lessons within it in order to move forward in life.

They also as lightworkers tend to have many goals and desires that they seek to accomplish while in this lifetime.

Potential Missions Of A Lightworker

There are different service missions that lightworkers are here to do and some may not be aware of their mission yet.

Some lightworkers may feel pressured that they are supposed to do something “big” as their mission which may not necessarily be the case. Some may have simple assignments for their mission.

Your mission as a lightworker is to be what I call a glitch in the matrix. This is someone who is not following the crowd. This is someone who has eyes to see and ears to hear. 

For example, if you watch the mainstream media and do not automatically believe everything that is said on mainstream media, then this would be a great example of having discernment which is what most lightworkers have. 

Another example would be that you tend to question everything from religion to the medical industry.

These are considered to be examples of traits that a lightworker may tend to have also.

Because a lightworker may be considered a glitch in this matrix, as a lightworker, you may try to help others see the truth on different topics that concern you and others.

You may also find yourself frustrated when you see that more than likely, others around you cannot see what you see from your perspective which may lead you to feel alone and a little like Neyo from the Matrix. Neyo from the Matrix seen the world totally for what it was without the blinders on while everyone else couldn’t see nor relate.

Most of us have grown up living with beliefs we have been programmed and passed down our entire lives from our ancestors etc. Because of some of our traditions and beliefs that we carry, usually, no one has really questioned anything that we believed our entire lives until we have awakened or maybe you have someone in your family that has awakened, etc.

One great example is religion, we blindly accepted what was passed down without question. It may have taken a spiritual awakening to occur to start questioning some of the ways and beliefs that we have always had.

Another example would be holidays. It seems as if the entire world celebrates holidays because they grew up doing it without question. As a chosen one you may have decided to go down the rabbit hole of knowledge and take the red pill to learn the truth. You realize no matter how painful it may be, sometimes the truth hurts. It is important to understand the true origins and the meaning of holidays. 

As you continue to learn the truth, you will want to share what you learn with your family and friends. Some may receive it and most will not. At the end of the day, all you can truly do is to educate the ones who want to see the truth and hope that everyone else will eventually follow.

Different Types of Missions As A Lightworker

So when it comes to the different types of missions of a lightworker, there are a few typical missions primarily that lightworkers are here to do. 

Transform Energy

As lightworkers, you have the ability to transform dark and negative energy into light. This may include transforming negative energies or emotions etc. into positivity.

Naturally, Hold Light

Your mission may be to hold the light within you as a lightworker. This can be in a way to help raise the collective consciousness which can be done in multiple ways.

Teaching & Helping Others

Lightworker’s mission may simply be to help and teach others. Most people in this category may tend to have a constant calling from within to want to help humanity by teaching etc. This usually happens once you have conquered the first two categories.

What To Avoid As A Lightworker

The #1 thing that a lightworker should avoid is to keep their energy in stagnation. Stagnation of energy may cause many mental and physical issues.

In order to achieve the energy to constantly move within the body, you can do many things such as physical activities such as exercise, etc. You can also go within to let go of negative emotions or baggage. Meditation and doing shadow work are great tools to help with releasing these negative patterns within. 

The Final Step As A Lightworker

Once a lightworker has complete healing from doing shadow work etc. and recognizing who they are, then this is a good time for a lightworker to step out into being of service to others.

So if you have a strong inner calling to be of service to help humanity, it is important to take action and to answer the call.

The best way to determine what are the best ways you can be of service is to try to go within and pray and ask for guidance.

What are your talents and gifts? How do you express yourself?

These are all typical questions that may help you determine what your mission may be as a lightworker.