Highly Sensitive People, Posts

Are You Highly Sensitive?

Are You Highly Sensitive? #SensitivePerson, #Empath

If you have always been told that you are a very sensitive person or empath, or if you recognize or consider yourself to be a highly sensitive person or an empath, then there may be a deeper and spiritual meaning.

The first thing is to gain an understanding of the definition of a highly sensitive person. Highly sensitive people are considered to be someone that is sensitive to other people’s energies that are around them. 

Empaths are considered to be a lot more sensitive than highly sensitive people. The difference between an empath vs. a highly sensitive person is based on sensitivity levels.

It can be extremely difficult for highly sensitive people or empaths to be around negative energies. 

Being extremely sensitive to receiving and feeling other people’s energy can sometimes make a highly sensitive person or empath feel uncomfortable around others.

If you are considered to be even more extremely sensitive than an empath, then you may be considered to be a physical empath. A physical empath is a person who is sensitive to receiving physical symptoms from other people. 

For example, if someone near you has a headache, you may pick up the same symptoms. 

As a physical empath, you can pick up from other people’s feelings and can easily empathize with others, and have a strong ability to place yourself in their shoes.

Being sensitive to these different types of energies may feel overwhelming and in this blog post, I have listed a few tips that can help you with dealing with being a highly sensitive person or an empath.

Restore Your Power

Since highly sensitive people or empaths are so sensitive to negative energies, it can leave them feeling powerless. The best thing to do is to try to overcome the feeling of powerlessness. Feeling powerless may cause a person to isolate themselves etc.

A person may also feel that they are not able to overcome their feeling of powerlessness and negative energies which can make them feel inferior.

The best thing to do is to recognize that you do have the ability to overcome the reaction or feelings of other people’s energies. You can overcome this by standing in your power and recognize that you are a powerhouse.

In order to tap into your power and to stop feeling powerless is to strengthen your 3rd chakra which is the solar plexus. The solar plexus chakra represents your personal power and will and for more information on chakras, click here.

Ways To Step Into Your Power

Because your solar plexus may be blocked or weakened, it is important to do the energy work in order to revive yourself to help to build your personal power and will in order to strengthen your solar plexus.

The worst thing that you can do to strengthen your solar plexus is to not deal with the situation and isolate yourself.

Because we can never run away from negative energies, the best thing that we can do is to learn how to deal with negative energies as well as understanding how to strengthen your solar plexus ultimately.

In & Out Technique

With the in & out technique, you need to expose yourself by going into the energies despite you feeling uncomfortable and then pull yourself out.

The first thing that you can do is to expose yourself without any fear. When you expose yourself to these energies, you may want to consider maybe having positive self-talk to yourself by saying things to help build you up in order to deal with the energies you have to deal with.

For example, if your solar plexus or willpower is in a weak state, you may not want to do this technique as much or as long, vs. if you have the stronger willpower or a strong solar plexus.

The weaker your solar plexus, the more drained you may feel. The more drained you feel, the more you may need to isolate yourself and recharge in order for you to feel better.

Just know that you have the power to overcome those energies. You can affirm positive mantra statements such as:

“I am powerful and no energy can overcome me.”

Prayer & Reciting Scriptures

Another great technique is of course prayer and stating scriptures that apply to your situation. This method can also be included in the process of strengthening your solar plexus. A book that I personally recommend that allows you to filter scriptures according to your situation is The Secret Power of Speaking God’s Words. It is a great tool to use in this case. You can click here for more information. 


Another great thing that you can do is to also listen to a self-affirming powerful meditation that has “I am” powerful statements or a solar plexus meditation. It is best to listen to these meditations as well as state your prayers at night before you go to bed since it really gets into your subconscious mind while you sleep. You can also listen throughout the day even while you are exercising etc.

Use Energy Clearing Techniques

For more information on energy clearing techniques, you can click here. Once you do your energy clearing techniques, your solar plexus will continue to get stronger. You are going to get to the point that you are no longer gonna feel inferior when it comes to dealing with negative energies and you will strongly be able to stand in your power.

Once you feel powerful, you can consider yourself officially trained to deal with negative energies and you will be able to withstand it without it affecting you the same way as before.

If you do not like the energy within the space you’re in, you can instead try to transform the energy by bringing your light and presence into the room.

You can do this by not responding to others in a negative way if they act negatively towards you. You can also remind yourself if someone is being negative towards you that everyone has bad days. It could be possible that they simply woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or something difficult is happening in their lives, etc. Most people just simply want a negative reaction from you but do not give them your energy.

Instead, focus on shining your light and mind your own business. Keep your tools or weapons on hand such as prayer, positive scriptures, positive and uplifting music, and positive affirmations, etc. to keep your vibes high. 

Ultimately, try getting into the habit of forgiving others and innerstand that some do not understand what they do because they may be experiencing hurt and pain, etc.

Choose the higher road and respond with statements such as “I hope your day gets better” or compliment them on something that they may have done or about them etc. It may drive them crazy, but if anything, it may make them feel bad for how they treated you, and eventually, they may go away or subconsciously change since you may have transmuted the negative energy with your light.

After a while, any negative energy will dissolve in your presence since you choose to not respond to other negative energies. Over time, however, if you have constantly subjected yourself to negative energies despite the fact that you have learned to overcome them, there is a point in life where you may have to disassociate yourself from certain individuals if a choice is an option. 

I personally came to realize that all relationships are not meant to continue forever and if people intentionally have negative intentions especially towards you, then it may be best to separate yourself from toxic individuals.

Note: I am just sharing my personal suggestions from my experiences and what I have learned through my journey in life. If there is not any hope to repair or you are exposed to an abusive person, bully, or narcissist, for example, you may need to look into alternate options on how to handle the relationship such as counseling, etc. before considering to exit the relationship.

For more information on how to deal with toxic people, click here.