Posts, Spirituality

How To Deal With Not Fitting In

In this blog post, learn how to deal with not fitting in with others.

In the previous blog post, we talked about the reasons why you do not fit in. If you have not read the deeper and spiritual reason why you do not fit in, then you can click here to read part 1 of this topic.

Now that you have an understanding as to why you do not fit in with others and the fact that you are most likely a lightworker, in this blog post, we will talk about how to deal with not fitting in with others.

Now that you also realize that you were never born or came into this world to fit in with the status quo, you have a better understanding as to why you tend to feel lonely at times. 

Keep in mind, the great news is that there are so many others around the world that are considered to be chosen ones or lightworkers. 

So now you also know who and whose you are and your mission, you can also be okay with not fitting in with the status quo but instead, open your heart and pray that you find like-minded people that you do fit in with.

As you stand in your power and work towards your God-given mission, the goal is to have those status quo people who judged you before come and join you on your mission. 

*If you are not sure what your mission is, click here for more information on lightworkers.

Isn’t it exciting to know that you can eventually have a network of lightworkers and like-minded people in your tribe and/or community?

You may ask yourself how do I deal with the pain and start standing in my power while I’m still in a place of not fitting in?

Note: You may need to first identify a few factors that can be the root cause of going through the transitional phase of not fitting in and finding like-minded people.

Why Your Transition Is Painful With Not Fitting In

The first thing is to understand how to transition from not fitting in and to finding like-minded people while in a position of power. Below are a few tips to help you to build your strength and confidence throughout your journey.

Your Insecurities – In your early years, you may have experienced situations growing up that had a negative impact on your self esteem. Because you grew up possibly feeling different from others, you may have never had anyone around you to make you feel worthy or good about yourself. You may not have had people around you reinforce love and encouragement around you. If you went through life going through these things, this could have had a lot of damage on your confidence and then you may have grown up as an adult with the continuous same negative cycles. 

Because you are born to not fit in from the crowd, if you suffer from insecurity and a lack of confidence, this can be very painful and sometimes very stressful and depressing especially if you are in a state of not understanding why you are going through what you are going through.

In this case, since you never had a strong foundation of support etc. from family and friends growing up, it may have made it even harder to deal with not fitting in.

Not A Strong Connection With God – Sometimes it is so easy to feel disheartened when you feel you do not fit in that we tend to forget to go within and recognize the strength and love that God has for us within. So when you are looking outside of yourself for validation, especially when you are around others who are not for you, you will tend to almost always find yourself disappointed.

Instead of looking outside of yourself for validation, seek God within you and know that God validates and loves you, and understand that that is all the truth you will ever need.

You may be very sensitive (Empath) – If you are very sensitive, not being able to fit in is way more difficult for empaths than others.

(See post on highly sensitive people by clicking here.)

What To Do When You Don’t Fit In?

Understand & Accept – Once you understand the meaning of why you went through what you went through your entire life, hopefully you are a little relieved knowing that it is not just you and that it has a deeper and greater meaning as to why you went through what you went through.

A great way I see to cope with this understanding is to see yourself as a diamond in the rough. You may have been or still going through this process but when you are done, you will be shining bright like a diamond.

Just know that you have chosen yourself for this mission so stand in your power and wear the badge as a chosen one or lightworker with honor.

Changing your perspective and understanding why you do not fit in with the things mentioned, is how you will eventually transition into a level of acceptance.

Remember, many are called, but few are chosen, so be honored and excited for this mission.

Continue To Connect With God– Keep reinforcing your connection. Practice the presence of God within. You can do this by quieting your mind and meditating, stating positive mantras, affirmations, and prayers.

The more you connect with God. The more you will feel not be bothered with not fitting in with the status quo or the world. You will also feel more confident knowing the continuous love and positive reinforcement that God has for you.

Build Self- Love & Self Esteem For Yourself – Instead of looking at others and feeling not worthy because you don’t fit in, now, hopefully, you truly understand and accept the reason why. You can now start building self-love and self-esteem.

This can also be done with meditating and saying positive self-affirmations, reading relatable scripture for self-love, journaling, and prayer. 

Reclaim Your Power – Now that you understand that your mission is to be different and stand outside of the crowd, you can feel confident knowing that you were created and chosen for this purpose, and hopefully with applying some of the suggestions provided, this will empower you to fully stand in your power.

Recognize that you are unique and so wonderfully blessed. Stand strong and recall your power with full intention.

Welcome Yourself To New Possibilities – Now that you understand that you are not supposed to fit in, you can now surrender and release the resistance of trying to fit in where you will never fit in.

Once you accept this truth, you can now stand in your power with full confidence outside of the crowd fulfilling your mission. 

For the ones who do not resonate with you, you can love them from a distance and pray that they will one day join you on your mission.

Until then, surround yourself with other lightworkers or like-minded people and focus on building your soul family.