Posts, Toxic People

How To Deal With Toxic People

How To Deal With Toxic People #toxic #toxicpeople

When it comes to dealing with toxic people, it is important to understand the characteristics and basic psychology to understand what a toxic person is. It is also important to understand why toxic people may act the way that they do.

In my previous blog posts, I posted information on how to know what a toxic person is and why a toxic person may be the way that they are. If you have missed the previous blog posts, you can click here to learn about what a toxic person is. For information on understanding a toxic person, you can click here.

Once you gain an understanding of what a toxic person is and how to understand a toxic person, in this blog post we will explore how to deal with toxic people.

To leave off on the previous post about understanding a toxic person, I mentioned that there may be something within you that may be making a toxic person act a certain way towards you due to the vibration you may be currently holding. 

This may seem alarming and unsettling to understand this concept and by any means am I suggesting that it is your fault why a person chooses to be toxic. 

The vibration you may be holding or the dominating thoughts you may be holding about a toxic person, can be the direct reason why you are the victim of that toxic person.

To evaluate to determine if it could be something that you may be giving off towards a person that can be causing them to be toxic towards you, think about your thoughts about them. 

For example, in a nutshell, and be honest with yourself, what are your dominating thoughts about that person? Is it probably something irritating about them or the thought of them may make you want to cringe?

If so, what if you started to change your perspective of that person? I know it may be difficult to do so but I would like to suggest that you change your perspective towards that person. 

In order to change your perspective of that person, try to at least think or write down 5 good things, deeds, or comments, etc. that that person may have done or said, etc., no matter if it was towards you or to someone else.

I’m asking you to stretch to do what may be a cringe-worthy exercise but it may be worth it in the end, especially if this is someone that you are forced to deal with such as a co-worker, family member, or significant others.

Note: Keep in mind, as I mentioned in the previous blog post in regards to this topic, these are not necessarily bad people, and sometimes by human nature, people just want to feel accepted and loved, etc. If they do not receive this from others around them, then they may act out in a toxic way which may unconsciously cause them to have toxic behavior.

So in regards to creating your positive list, you can write your list of the 5 positive traits of the toxic person in a journal or notepad or an electronic notepad on your smartphone device, etc.

Once you write your positive list about this person, read it and meditate on it daily. If you normally meditate and do positive affirmations daily first thing in the morning, then add this exercise to it. Do this exercise until you get to the point that you see the good in that person vs. how that person may have made you cringe in the past.

Here are some examples:

“Even though this person is irritating to me, they are a good parent and I can appreciate that about them.”

“Even though this person acts this way, on the flip side, there are good things that they do for the community that I can appreciate.”

Once you create your list of 5 positive things, you can reformat the positive things into the statements above or make it your own. 

State these statements before bed to instill them within your subconscious mind. This will imprint and retrain your brain to see the positive side of the other person despite their behavior.

Overall, this is an example of you changing your perspective of others and how you are more powerful than you know. Understand that you have the power to control your reality as you are the narrator of your life and your story. 

This is also an example of standing in your power by dominating others who mistreat you by seeing the good in them and shining your positive light. 

After a while, hopefully, they may not even bother you in the same way or they may not seem to help but react in a positive way since you set the positive foundation and standard. 

For example, think of the Dr. Seuss movie The Grinch. Ultimately, the grinch wasn’t even deep down an evil person despite the mean things he did in the end. The root cause of his issue of him acting out in toxic ways was simply because he never was loved ultimately. When he was shown love unconditionally by the people in Whoville where he was not judged etc., he changed and became a better person. This can be a classic example of the toxic people in your life.

Also, remember, “As a Man Thinketh, So Is He”, so it is important to control your circumstances by attracting circumstances, situations, and people how you want them to be in your presence.

Note: For the real toxic ones, or the narcissistic ones that are not moved by positivity, you just have to really pray for those who are intentionally toxic with no desire to change. You may have to distance yourself from these individuals as well.

Over time, and if done correctly, subconsciously, that person energetically will have to change to match your positive vibration in your presence. They may not even understand why they are suddenly being nice and question themselves. If they cannot achieve your vibration, eventually they may leave. 

This is an example of transmuting negative energy with your positive energy. 

For example, according to the Law of Thermodynamics, it states that:

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed but can only be transferred from one form to another.

This is what I call a classic technique of flipping the script.

Have you ever dated a male or female that treated other people they dated in the past in a crappy way until they met you? Have you been someone that a person proposed to over others? Or maybe they may have done things for you that they told you they never have done for another person? 

If so, this is an example of you being you with shining your light to transmute certain behaviors from others.

Overall, this ties to seeing God and the good in people despite how they treat you which is the same principle of turning the other cheek.

Note: I am obviously not speaking about someone that is violent etc. This is not suggesting situations where you are in immediate danger etc. 

At the end of the day, keep in mind that you cannot control other people and the only thing you can ultimately do is to control yourself and your reality and perception.

When you achieve this status, the lesson is that it trained you to stand your ground, boundaries, and your power.

Ultimately, from an energetic perspective, they will have to change in your presence or they may simply go away. This will only work if you establish that standard and that boundary that you set for yourself.

So who are the toxic people in your life that are the potential grinches? Maybe we do not know they are grinches but that is why doing some of these exercises can help uncover who are really grinches in the forefront but deep down inside they just simply need love and acceptance.