How To Focus On Healing

When it comes to claiming healing for yourself, you cannot be moved by what you see even though you see yourself as a witness of your physical symptoms. You have to find a way to not make it a focus on them. Instead, focus on God's healing presence within you which will allow you to only focus on health and harmony.

Make the thought of having peace in your mind and spirit flow through you. The creative power within you allows you to focus on your point of attention. 

As you continue to keep your thoughts on perfect health and peace, you feel Spirit flowing through you. This process will allow you to dwell in communion with the Divine consciously.

When you feel intoxicated with Spirit there is a feeling of Joy from within. This version of Spiritual Awakening builds up a new version of man that operates with a new narrative. Continue to not just pray, but pray scientifically, which will allow your entire being to be renewed. 

God or infinite intelligence is the only ultimate solution to your healing. God represents the ultimate presence and power within as long as you tap into it. 

When you seek The Kingdom of God from within for the solution to your healing, do it with full authority with an  expectance of a total healing. 

You have to see yourself healed you have to feel how good you're feeling as if you already are healed in the present tense.


Use scriptures & positive affirmations when it comes to keeping your mind on healing.

“Forgive yourself. It's hard, but it heals”


Go into meditation and visualize yourself being healed in the now.

Act As If You Are Healed Now

With recognition of your healing, what daily activities will you start to do now that you're healed? 

Who will be the first person you call to tell them the good news about your healing?

Journal & Meditate

Take a sheet of paper out and actually answer these questions and meditate on these scenarios day and night.

In the Bible, it says: Offer for thy cleansing according as Moses commanded. Moses is an example of the way your deeper mind works.  

While trying to heal, try to eliminate fear. FEAR stands for in most cases False Evidence Appearing Real

As you continue to keep your mind with God’s words and other positive thoughts of health and healing, your subconscious mind will automatically respond to your new ways of thinking which will lead to healing. 

Stay focused on thoughts of healing no matter the facts or statistics etc., that is presented to you no matter what. Never let anyone sway you from positive thoughts of health and healing. 

It is important not to allow yourself to entertain any fearful thoughts. If anyone introduced contradictory thoughts, you may have to disconnect for the time being.

When you are praying for healing, you must consistently remind yourself of your faith in God and His omnipotent power.

Faith allows us to overcome our problems when you discipline yourself to focus on your positive thoughts of healing.

The true meaning of faith means to keep your eyes on the Almighty God while you are going through your storm of sickness not your current situation.

Stay loyal and faithful by keeping your mind on the ultimate truth. God healing you is the only direction your mind needs to be focused on.

Just know that the great physician which is not man is within you and is has the ability to heal you now only if you achieve the process of tapping into it.

Do not allow fear to take hold of your thoughts. If you know something will steer you away from your faith, stop doing whatever it is.

For example, if watching the news or speaking to certain people put you in a fearful state, then you must turn off the TV and cut anyone off unless you are strong enough to stand in your faith no matter what anyone or the media says. 

Fear in most cases results and false evidence appearing real and can be no more than sinister shadows without actual reality.It is important to understand your God-given authority for healing. 

In Proverbs 121:1, it states:

“In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He Shall direct thy path.”

If you apply your faith towards this principle, then the answers to your problems and healing will come. 

When we hold on to fear, it holds us back and demonstrates our lack of faith in God.

It is important to understand that development of faith is a change in your mindset that displays a positive mental attitude and a level of confidence in yourself or whatever it is that you are praying for.

"Let Your Faith Be Bigger Than Your Fear."
