How To Set Goals For 2023

When it comes to setting goals, it is important to be strategic and intentional personally and spiritually.

There is a mindset change or a renewal of the mind that is required in order to create the positive foundation needed in order to focus on effectively achieving your goals. For more information on how to renew your mind in order to prime your mind for the foundation needed for your goals, click here.

The first step with setting up your goals is to prepare yourself in advance for what God has in store for you with full expectation. 

The first step is to establish and write out your long term goals spiritually and personally. Below are a few questions that you should consider when writing out your goals:

What do you want to accomplish from your goal?

Who will benefit from your goal?

How long will this goal potentially take to accomplish?

Do I have the necessary resources?

When you write out your goals, start writing about your top 3 long term goals with the first things that come to your mind. Just start writing what you want from this goal with the questions mentioned above and related questions answered.

Once you have written a description of each long term goal, take the time to visualize for at least 10 min in the morning and at the end of the day what your goals accomplished will look like. 

How do you feel about accomplishing your goals as you visualizing? Who in your life will you tell first about your goal being impacted? 

Who in your life will have a direct impact with your goal as well?

These are just a few questions to consider journaling after visualizing your goal being accomplished.

If you do not have a strong feeling of satisfaction with visualizing your goal then it may not be big enough and you may need to really go back and reevaluate what is your true desires in order to rewrite your future goals.

Once you have established your short and long term goals and you have visualized your goals, then you want to map out a detailed plan with each step in order on how to execute your plan. What resources do you currently have that can be helpful to use towards your goals? Are there mentors or someone in your network that could help you if needed? Have you considered any issues that may come up that you can establish a backup plan in case your original task could not be executed?

These and other similar questions would be best to consider when creating a roadmap towards your goals.

Be mindful of the 6 P formula in order to establish effective goals which is:



Overall, in order for a goal to get to a place to work towards achieving it is to set your standards high so you can always have something that motivates you to work towards, otherwise, you may find your goal is nothing more than a daydream with no action or plan behind it.

If you feel stuck with moving towards your goals, analyze your life situation. Is the reason personal such as limiting beliefs due to doubt, confidence, and lack of knowledge that may cause insecurity etc.?

Another reason could be your environment or lack of support from others etc. Also, if you are around people who demotivate you and hinder you when it comes to your goals, you may need to reevaluate and make changes to your current situation in order for you to achieve your goals.

If so, you may need to focus on personal development to help give you the boost needed in order for you to succeed.

Overall, once you have established and written out your goals with full intention, then keep your goals to yourself while you work on your goals. To understand the benefits of working in silence, click here.

If you would like to schedule a coaching session to help you with achieving your goals, click the link below.

How To Set Goals For 2023