The Power of Journaling Towards Your Goals

There is power when it comes to journaling. I always personally say when it comes to creating your vision, the most important thing that you would need to do in addition to visualizing, with writing affirmations, creating your vision boards, and prayer etc., is to journal. 

When you journal, it has a strong connection with your subconscious mind and you are transforming energy which makes it so powerful. Your real and true self is your subconscious which is also your heart. It is powerful when your heart and mind is connected or in synchrony with each other. Energy is neither created nor destroyed so when you are writing you are transferring energy and  bringing your thoughts into the infancy state of manifestation. You also tend to be more connected with your vision as you are writing the unseen into what you see (your written vision) on your paper.

When you are writing, it is important that you are writing with full intention. Your pen is your wand and you are the creator of your life. You can literally create the reality that you want when it comes to journaling. 

Of course, there are other aspects that will have to come together in order for everything in your reality to unfold, but journaling can play a major role. 

When you are writing with full intention with your desire and you are seeing yourself with your desire with full feeling, then you are solidifying that thought into your subconscious mind.

Some Things That You Can Do After Journaling:

  • Prayer which is a great form of preparation and  is a great way to stay hopeful and to keep you grounded and faithful with the full expectancy of your desire.  
  • Creating affirmations or mantras that you can repeat on a daily basis that affirms whatever desire you want from each particular journal entry.

  • Meditation is also a great practice and meditating on your desires is also a great thing that you can do also to help you stay focused on your desire and to hear confirmation, instructions, or an answer or prayer

  • Read your journal entries daily preferably before bed or first thing when you wake up.
  • Have an attitude of gratitude with full expectancy of your desire.(present tense)
  • Be in remembrance of previous manifestations you are grateful for
  • Act as if you already have it and be in a state of joy
  • Stay in a high vibrational state
  • Focus on scriptures

Tools For Journaling

There are some great notebooks that you can take advantage of and you can view a few here.

You can also download your free journal here.

There are also some great apps that you can use where you can journal on your mobile device which can be convenient when you want to capture thoughts on the go.

Eliminate Distractions

It is important to eliminate all distractions. This may be the people and/or extracurricular activities that you could be participating in. It is so important to eliminate all time wasters which would include unnecessary conversations, social media, and movies etc. If you are really serious about achieving your goals, it should feel like a no-brainer and not feel like a big sacrifice. 

If you have multiple goals, it is important to get laser focused on one goal at a time. 

Once you focus on one defined goal, focus on making yourself valuable to your target market rather than focus on money or success. Focus on making your gift so valuable to others that you will be able to charge what you are worth.

Who do you want your target market to remember you by?

How To Eliminate Distractions

How To Write Your Vision

When it comes to manifesting your goals, it is important to have a strong level of self discipline. In order to really get to the core of achieving your goals is to be connected with your vision. 

Scripture: A man with no vision will perish (Proverbs 29)

Being highly disciplined is the root of all successful leaders and the more discipline a person has, the more trust they may tend to have from others. 

According to the bible, discipline is associated with vision. A man with no clear vision lives a very loose life vs. someone with vision has a very narrow life. 

When you have a vision, you tend to have a more focused life and your decisions are based around your vision if it is a true and clear target in your life.

For example, if you are a parent, then you know your whole life changes when you have a child. It changes your budget, how you shop for homes, and how you make decisions in your life etc. vs. if you had no kids.

The same thing would go for a single person vs. someone who is in a relationship whether dating or married. There are changes that will impact your life since you are no longer making decisions on your own.

Another example, is if you are a student whether it is K-12 or college, your whole life decisions are made around your school schedule and whatever plans you have with your education which will ultimately determine your future, your career, etc. 

So the point is the same things that go with your vision for your desires. If you really believe in your goals even if you do not have them yet, you will make moves and decisions that will support that vision.

Because there are some things that you would need to be disciplined in doing in preparation for your goals to come to pass, you may have to for example go into a period of isolation where you no longer will be able to do some of the recreational activities that you used to do before etc.

The decisions and choices that you make will be so very clear and anything or anyone that will get in the way of that goal will have to go. These tend to be very laser focused people. 

This is the same concept that we use with our jobs or schools for example. We create our entire lives and families around our life including our family but most would never take that same leap to help support and bring to pass your true desires and purpose in life.

As you can see, having a clear goal or vision helps solidify your path and helps to keep you in the right direction or on the right path towards your ultimate goals which is no different then a GPS system for example.

When you seek within or the kingdom of God, you will realize that you have an internal GPS where God is directing your path so you have to do these things to help you tap into hearing in order for you to reach the right path. 

Meditating is a great way to clear your mind of all of the noises of worrisome thoughts etc.

Once you have found your purpose in life, life will start to become so much easier because your goals are so direct and to the point and you are not all over the place with scattered thoughts because God is not the author of confusion.

Stress and confusion leads you into having assumptions of what God wants for you. So having the ability to see your goals and prayers fulfilled is the first step of confirmation. The answer is never solely externally. Even if it is something someone says, you will get a feeling of confirmation inside. It could be a feeling or just a strong level of intuition of simply knowing. Whatever sign you may receive, just know that it will come from within. Have confidence and know that true vision comes from God. All visions would be tested from the universe and you will know and seek validation if it is from God. In some cases, if it was terminated by trials, then that could be validation that it is not meant. Keep in mind, there are some examples where that may not necessarily be the case so it is important to use your discernment and seek the kingdom of God from within for the ultimate answer and validation.

According to the Bible, a friend can be more important than a sibling if that friend is more invested in your success than your family. The company that you keep can be considered dangerous and toxic if it does not support your dreams.

So as you can see, when your purpose or your vision is clearly defined, there is no confusion and that is your confirmation that it is from God.

Things A Clear Vision Will Provide:

It will discover your future

It will determine the company you keep

It will determine the books you read

It will determine how you spend your time

It will determine your use of energy

It will choose your movies

It will choose your priorities

It will choose your hobbies/games


Invest Money

To Do List



Values and Standards

Clarity of purpose

Gives direction

Empowers you and your assets

Creates and attracts resources