The Power of Working In Silence

It is very important to work in silence when it comes to venturing out on your purpose, focusing on your goals, and/or starting your own business.

When you are trying to do something that is outside of society norms, it is especially important to keep your plans in silence to avoid discouragement.

Keep in mind, we live in a world where if you are not doing what most other people do that are traditional such as a 9 to 5 job, most people may try talk you out of it.

Some people in most cases may have good intentions but there may be others who may not have good intentions and may not want to see you succeed. Using your discernment in this case is important. 

If God has given you a vision, it does not matter what others have to say, your goal is to follow the purpose that God has for your life.

Realistically, when it comes to following your purpose, it may not seem reasonable financially at first which is why society may discourage you from going down that path.

Because you are going down the path towards your purpose and vision, you may notice that many may not understand your vision. It is important to seek others who have already paved the way or at least are like minded to connect with for support.

In this blog post, you will gain an understanding as to why it is so important to work in silence when you are making major changes in your life.


The number one reason why you should work in silence is because of haters and naysayers. These are the people that will almost always discourage you from going towards your dreams. 

For whatever reasons, these people may have negative intentions because they have limited beliefs themselves so therefore they may not have the capacity to understand your vision.

They may want or try to sabotage what you have going on even before you even get started. These acts can be from jealousy, envy, and hatred etc. 

When you publicize your goals and the wrong people hear about, you are basically giving open access to Satan’s playground. You will open up doors for negative judgment, trolls, gossip, slander, and so much more.

When this happens, this can cause you to become discouraged, insecure, and to not be as confident as you normally would have been if no one was aware to criticize. This can also cause unnecessary pressure as well which can  lead to stress and anxiety if things do not go as planned knowing that you have an audience watching you.

The same people that you may look to for approval in this group may not support you at all and may even turn around and support your competition. This can also cause damage to your confidence if you allow it to.

Speaking to the wrong people about your goals may put you in a position where your ideas may be stolen from you before you may even be able to launch it.

This can happen directly from people around you so being naive is never helpful in this situation so it is really important to use your discernment and pay attention to clues in order to understand if someone does not have good intentions or is not happy for you.

Ultimately, it is better to speak when your goals have actually manifested so therefore you will be able to shut up your haters or naysayers etc. 

People Who Have Good Intentions

On the other hand, you may have people in your life who may oppose your vision that actually love you and have good intentions. 

These can be close friends or family members. They may genuinely see something you may be doing that may not be a good idea or see the potential risks from an honest perspective. This is why discernment is key because receiving honest feedback and/or constructive criticism is important from those who actually do have good intentions for you. They may be able to see things that you may not see so you can respect and value their opinion with the understanding that it is coming from a good place. 

At the end of the day, if God puts a vision in you, you can consider loved one’s opinions and you can make adjustments if warranted, however, your purpose is solely for you and it is your responsibility to discern and move accordingly towards your goals with no fear and full certainty. 

This is why it is so important to surround and only share your ideas with people who genuinely have good intentions for you and those whose opinion you respect.

Receiving constructive criticism is designed to help you plan better towards your goals and to be made aware of any risks you may not have considered.

It is great to consider any constructive feedback ultimately but knowing who is genuine and who is not is key throughout the process.

Go Into Isolation

When it comes to working towards your purpose, isolation may be required. This is necessary in order to shut out any potential negativity as well as any potential distractions. 

There are many benefits to going into isolation in order to work in silence. It has the potential to eliminate any fear that may arise. If you know that you have an audience watching, it can make you feel pressured. In this case, it can help ease any potential anxiety and stress that may arise.

You are also much better able to build your faith on a stronger level because you will not have to have anyone in your ear making you potentially feel discouraged and insecure etc. 

During the isolation period, it allows you time to stay laser focused towards your goals etc.

Stop Paying Attention To Those Who Do Not Support You

Because there may be people that you know who may not support you, this could be because they may only see you as the person that they used to know and not who you have become. Because of this, this can also kill your confidence potentially because you are aware that certain people who know you are not cheering for you. 

When you are in isolation and in silence, you do not have to keep track of people’s responses to the new you which can be mentally draining. Do not get into the trap of needing others' social approval etc. because you may never feel validated in that way. The only validation that you should focus on is God’s validation.

Be Intentionally Silent

Ultimately, it is best to surround yourself with supportive like minded people and be intentionally silent to block out all of the potential negativity. 

Consider how a pregnant woman stays in silence until her third month. This happens because she wants to get passed the first trimester when the pregnancy is past the potential danger zone. 

This is done to avoid the potential of speaking too soon. In this case, if danger occurs and the pregnant woman may have spoken too soon, then she has to go through the agony of explaining the loss of her pregnancy etc.

So in the same way as a pregnant woman who stays in silence until after her first trimester, you should consider staying in silence until your goal is manifested. 

If you start to broadcast your news too soon about what you are about to do, you put your goals at risk to be aborted before it is even fully conceived.

At the end of the day, you do not need others' approval especially when you are carrying a vision that comes from the Most High God. 

Stay focused towards your goals and only surround yourself with others that have the same interests, otherwise, consider staying silent throughout your process.

The Power of Working In Silence